
Showing posts from December, 2018

End of an Era

So, like everyone else this week, I’m reflecting on what a whirlwind 2018 has been. You see, this time last year - I wasn’t engaged, married, homeowner, or stepmom. I was driving back and forth from a house I was “renting” to a job that I felt I was sinking in. I was having growing pains trying to figure out how to be an authoritative figure and a loving stepmother at the same time. I was learning how to balance my independence with splitting my life with another. Then, NYE 2017 hit and then I was engaged and most of our family and friends were there to celebrate. I started planning my "dream wedding" - or as close to what I thought my day would be. We transitioned out of a house into OUR house. And I continued to network and find connections through my passions. That kicked 2018 off to a GREAT start. Here are my top 5 memories. Getting married and gaining my own family! This - by FAR - was my biggest hurdle. I've never wanted to be married or have kids. When I went t...

A sugar by any other name IS just as sweet.

One of the most key changes in my health behavior was looking at the sugar. Using it in moderation and knowing how it affects my body and the body of my family. I started my health journey as a single lady (heyyyy). I would eat full size candy bars, diet coke and honey buns on the daily. Yes, that’s true. I had no clue what I was doing to my body. I was constantly tired, had horrible bouts of acne, couldn’t lose weight, had painful knees and back and was constantly craving it. When I learned about the Arbonne 30 days to Healthy Living and it dug into the section on sugar, I was BLOWN AWAY! Why don’t we teach this in schools?! Now that I’m married with step kids - and I assume being a parent is the same as being a stepparent when it comes to sugar - All kids want it. All the time. When sugar gets into our system we crave it. Plain and simple. If we start our kids on sugar young (have you ever muttered the words “it’s just a treat”??) or if we use it as a reward, then we are setting our...

The beginning.

I carry around my soapbox in case anyone asks me what it's like to be a stepmom or about my health journey. Those are the two greatest accomplishments in my life - they're the things I'm most passionate about. They are the times that I feel most alive and like myself. That's why I'm share with the world the things I love most. And prove to you that none of it comes easy. So welcome to my messy, crazy, wonderful life... I went from a single and living in a 325 square foot bedroom apartment to a family of five owning a four bedroom home of my own. In the matter of two and a half years. I went from having one payment for things like school loans, car loans, grocery bills and toilet paper to having multiple butts to wipe (so to speak.) So I had to start learning that my independence was relying on others now. As a stepmom, there’s a LOT of compromise. I mean A LOT. Travis and I agree on quite a few major things in life, but not everything. How much we spend o...