End of an Era

So, like everyone else this week, I’m reflecting on what a whirlwind 2018 has been. You see, this time last year - I wasn’t engaged, married, homeowner, or stepmom. I was driving back and forth from a house I was “renting” to a job that I felt I was sinking in. I was having growing pains trying to figure out how to be an authoritative figure and a loving stepmother at the same time. I was learning how to balance my independence with splitting my life with another. Then, NYE 2017 hit and then I was engaged and most of our family and friends were there to celebrate. I started planning my "dream wedding" - or as close to what I thought my day would be. We transitioned out of a house into OUR house. And I continued to network and find connections through my passions. That kicked 2018 off to a GREAT start. Here are my top 5 memories. Getting married and gaining my own family! This - by FAR - was my biggest hurdle. I've never wanted to be married or have kids. When I went t...