Leading Two Different Lives

**WARNING: This post is about ME and MY struggles. It doesn't mean I love the kids less and it's definitely not to blame their parents for how they have chose to parent. It's about ME and MY struggle to learn how to fill the role in their family** This week, I had the stark realization that my life was never going to be the same. You see, just about a year and a half ago, I started dateing the man of my dreams. At that time, I was involved with my church through the youth group and two connect groups. I had a standing ladies night every week. I was training for a marathon. I lived in my own 335 square foot apartment, where everything had a place. And, I didn't have any other being to worry about or force to eat. Then I moved in with Travis and his kids and our dog. I'm am constantly living outside my comfort zone. Every day is a new adventure for us. My life is a mix of toys scattered under the table and decorative keepsakes from my travels. It's a mix...