Love and Belonging

As a new member of a family, you feel out of place. Caught in the middle.
You have uprooted what you know for complication, hysteria, and emotional salads.
You're not single, but your not a traditional family. You're more than dating, but less than married.

So you start questioning why do you deal with it?
Why have I changed my whole lifestyle for someone else's family?
Because I fell in love with Travis before I even met his kids. I fell in love with how he treated me. I fell in love with his sense of adventure and his willingness to let me push him. I fell in love with how we worked together to accomplish so much.

Then, insert children.
Insert his ex.
Insert more unknowns.
None a bad thing, just all new and unknown.

I love these kids and would do anything for them.
I want the best for these kids.
I feel sad when they feel sad.

But I am not their mom. And I will never be. I will always be the other woman.
That's such a disturbing thought.
That I will forever pour into them and have very little right to their well being.

Then why do I spend the time and energy investing in these kids?
Why do I spend my money and my efforts to make sure they get what they want and need?

Because they deserve it.

Growing up in a broken home, I'm all too aware that kids get caught in the shuffle. I'm aware that it's dad VS mom, not dad AND mom. And I'm aware that nobody understands what that individual child is thinking or feeling.

Every child deserves to be loved.
Every child deserves to see love.
Every child deserves to know love.

These kids deserve the feeling of love and belonging (thanks, Brene Brown).
So whatever they call me and however people perceive me, it will be through the love that I have for these kids.

Tips for coping, comment and let me know!



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