The Next Steps

In case you wondered, it’s possible to fly without a Government Issued Picture ID in your possession.

You know how I know that? Because some twat-waffle decided to swipe my ID while I was in Atlanta.

This is a PSA to all my trusting friends: Zip. Your. Bags.

It was right beside me. It was in my sight, actually touching me. But because I let my guard down and let someone bump in to me and apologized, I said no worries and became a victim of identity theft. Little did that person know I don’t normally shop, so a $2000 purchase at an upscale mall triggered my Credit Card Company and my husband.

It wasn’t the end of the world and it definitely didn’t stop me from enjoying my time with my family. In fact, I was able to get a foot massage, try an amazing Persian restaurant, walk by the river and play a few rounds of Euchre. But I
'd be remiss to say it didn't put a damper on my R&R weekend.

This is the end of a run for me. It’s the end of my seventh work trip since August + Christmases + Baby Mehl Shower. I was ready for a break. I was ready to kick back, enjoy and move on to the next phase of my life and career.

So I’m still going to do that. What’s next?

Self care is a huge part of wellness – and it looks different to for everyone. What does that look like for you? 

For me, it means continuing to stay busy. I’d love to fill my health and wellness cup quite a bit this spring by taking classes and documentaries. It means leading Healthy Living sessions. I will sign up for my first triathlon. Organize and decorate parts of the house. Get back to all my puzzles. I’d love to spend time with my family and husband, unstructured.

Self-care means taking more time with my therapy and less time with my work stress. Self-care means tackling projects and also ignoring them.

For me, I’m starting by mapping out my month. My “have to’s” and my “want to’s”. My sister-in-law gave me this awesome planner that shows the big picture. It shows me what I have left to do. From there, I can stay on top of things. Cross off the days. Work to complete those self-care things. I can see what’s coming up. 

Weekly, I sit down and look at the week. What I need for groceries. What I need for events. I look at what time I’ll have for myself. What time we’ll have as a couple. What time we’ll have as a family. We use the Cozi app that way Travis and I have line of sight to both the lists and the schedule.

It’s strategy. And it’s taken us a while to get there. Every family is different. But I truly believe the 20-30 minutes it takes me every week and the hour it takes me at the first of each month to get there pays off.

It allows me to slow down when I need to and speed up when I don’t.

It allows our family to keep moving forward with our house and our activities.

It allows me to fit in social time with calm time.

So even thought that dick-weed stole my ID, I can see that it’ll be ok. That I’ve got time this week. That I’ve got a plan this month. To get everything back in order.

What are you going to do for you this week?



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