You are under no obligation to look pretty.

So, I saw this reminder the other day.

Which is funny because it's something that's been on my mind lately.

To me, self care doesn't mean putting on makeup, getting dolled up, and going out.

And when you don't have on makeup or look slightly disheveled, people ask what's wrong? are you sick? are you sad? It's really rather annoying.

Does that make women who like that wrong? No!

As women, all of these different obligations should be self-inflicted. No one else should ever make us feel like we're doing it wrong.

It's the same thing as parents.
I tend to wake up earlier on weekends when the kids are here, then I do on the weekdays.
I tend to be more productive and eat healthier while they're here because I want that for them.
I tend to look for the next activity or project for them to participate in.

These are the pains I have weekly about being enough.

That spins me into a cycle of mental unrest. I'm sure you other mamas feel it too? I see it all over instagram, so I can only imagine it's happening to the masses.

So how do we stop it? Do you know the answers?
I sure don't.

What I do know is that when we are taking care of ourselves, we can take care of our families and kids.

For me, self-care isn't about looking "pretty" - but instead it's about doing the projects, and cooking, and playing, and snuggles with the kids when they're here. And doing those things with my husband when they're not.

For you, it could look like leaving your baby with a sitter to get dressed up and have a night out.
Or it could mean going back to work after only a few weeks, instead of months.
Or it could mean napping every day.

Ladies! We HAVE to stop telling each other how we're living is wrong.
Fellas! You HAVE to stop telling us that we're different than other women.

What makes us different, makes the world go round.

And an extra feel good to keep you energized through the week, make these quick and easy protein balls. My husband loves them and they're full of yumm!
I, of course, use my Arbonne protein and know what ingredients I'm using are perfection!

Let me know what fuels you!?!



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