Kids On Vacation - Traveling Tips
We were fortunate enough to have a few days with the kids during their spring break. This was a trip that we booked well in advance and all I was prepping was the food. No plans. No schedules. No - well minimal - rules. Here's an overview of what we packed and how we did it with minimal effort - What we packed? Travel bags - full of activity books, car games, mind games, fidget spinners and books. They also had their iPads (yes, all kids have an iPad #divorceperks) but were not allowed to use them for the first half of the 3hr drive and until they've read for 20 minutes. This isn't typically an issue for us, as our kids love their education and enjoy simple mind games. My stepdaughter will read for hours and the boys enjoy math. We make sure that there is a variety. As you may know, kids get bored easily, so it allows them to jump from one thing to another. My advice is not to tempt them with the electronics. Start the expectation before you ever get in th...